Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thing 18: Social Networking: Paradise for the Nosey!

I have used social networking for several years now and have seen it's positive and negative aspects. It's important that educators know how these sites work as they probably play a big role in their lives and those of their students. There is an exposure factor in social networking as everything you post, including photos, can rapidly be disseminated among various groups of people. Therefore, it is imperative to consider the content of what is selected for uploading. Sites such Facebook allow people to catch up with old friends, which is nice considering the transient society in which we now live. I am beginning to explore Twitter, but am not sure if I'm willing to invest much time in it as there are many other pressing matters, such as school. I wish Facebook had the same musical and layout design components that Myspace offered its users. Those features added a more personalized aspect to the social network experience.

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